Collaborate Freely On the Web

GERMANSTACK Learning Studio

Learn. Collaborate . Freely . On the . Web

Free Learning Studio

Affording learning resources to kick start your journey maybe difficult; but we'll be making these courses free in a classroom environment on the web as webinar.

Collaborative Workspace

You will be introduced to collaboration using GitHub, learners will be grouped into a team of 5. Every member of the team makes the team worth being part of.

Cohort System

To maintain tradition and transition. We’ve designed the course timeline into a duration of 4 months, i.e. Cohorts. Each cohort compromises of the first set of registered learners.

Weekday Challenge & Weekend Webinar

Webinar are purely designed for 2Hours during the weekends. A learner will be kept engaged with challenging task.

Learning Cruves

We’ve tried this course flow, and it’s a lot easier to learn the stack this way. We assume you already have basic knowledge of JavaScript and little experience with ECMAScript 6, HTML, and CSS.


Node.js is an asynchronous event driven JavaScript runtime, Node is designed to build scalable network applications.


Express is a minimal and flexible Node.js Web applicaton framework that provides a robust set of features for web and mobile applications.


MongoDB is a NoSQL database, its flexible document data model makes working with data intuitive, whether you're building an app from scratch or updating an existing one.


React makes it painless to create interactive UIs. Design simple views for each state in your application, and React will effieciently update and render just right components when your data changes, making it your application more predictable and easier to debug.


GraphQL is a query language that provides a complete and understandable description of data in your API, gives clients the power to ask for exactly what the need and nothing more.


Apollo is an implementation of GraphQL designed for the needs of product engineering teams building modern, data-driven applications.

Our Coaches

Hassan Sani

JavaScript ES6



Precious Dike


Abraham Jr. Agiri
